FATRANK Keyword Rank Checker.
More than 50,000 users, over 1,000,000 searches in 58 countries. Install your free keyword SEO rank checker on your favorite device!

How it works
Beautifully Simple, Intuitive and Completely Free. Forever!
FATRANK is the most reliable user-friendly app and Chrome Extension for SEO ranking checking and tracking keyword rankings across multiple websites in the Google search engine.
Designed for SEO professionals, our SEO keyword rank checker app will allow you to add multiple websites, unlimited keywords and track your ranking positions in any country. Our Google Chrome keyword rank checker extension will allow you to instantly check where the website ranks in any Google country for the keyword you enter. With both the FATRANK apps and Chrome Extension you’ll be able to download csv reports at any time.
Questions? Check out our FAQs
Why am I experiencing unusual results?
All queries made through FATRANK to google are associated with your browser cookie record which will deliver personalised results. When you perform a search, the search results are not only based on relevance of each web page but also your searching history or preferences. To try and achieve more accurate results which other users may see, try using FATRANK in ‘New Incognito Window’ in Google Chrome.
What does 'Try Again Later, Google is Blocking Searches' mean?
FATRANK uses your browser behind scenes to check a keyword ranking position. If you do too many keyword checks within a short period of time Google temporarily block search results. We recommend to leave the extension for a while and try again later.
Who is FATJOE?
FATJOE is a Link Building & Content Creation Services Provider for SEO Agencies and also the developer of FATRANK. Trusted by 1,000+ Agencies.
Do you have a smartphone App?
We do, you can find it here on the App Store and here on the Google Play Store