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Blog Post Title Headline Generator.
Generate 100+ Killer Blog Post Titles & Headlines in just One Click.
How it works
How To Generate Killer Headlines
Start with the keywords of your blog title
Your blog title keywords will not only play a huge part in getting your post ranked on search engine results pages, they’ll also be responsible for helping readers decide if the post is relevant to them. As such, it’s a good idea to start with some keyword research before you even write your blog post. No idea where to start with keyword research? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! Once you’ve established the winning keywords, you can usually reverse engineer a compelling blog title from them.
Get to know “the formula” of a good blog title
Did you know that there’s actually a formula for generating blog titles and headlines?
The formula is Number + Adjective + Keyword + Rationale + Promise= A winning post title!
So, for example- 7 Awesome Movies That Will Make You Miss The ‘80s might be a compelling title for a film blogger who wants to take their readers on a journey back in time.
Draw inspiration from existing blog titles
If you feel the creative well is running dry, it might be worth taking a look at the post titles of blogs you follow yourself. Do they follow a set formula, or do they have anything in common? Are there any indicators that certain posts perform better than others (e.g. more social shares or comments)?
Or just use our Blog Title Headline Generator
We’ve done the hard work so you don’t have to. Simply use our Blog Title Generator Tool above and get killer, clickable titles in seconds, and say goodbye to your blog post title frustrations forever!
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How Does Your Blog Title Generator Work?
Our blog title generator uses the keyword you provide to generate up to 100 eye-catching clickbait titles. Originally made in 2019 our headline generator has been improved with the addition of AI wizardry to help you create blog post titles that are sure to catch the eyes, and clicks, of your readers.
What About Writing The Blog Posts?
Once you’ve generated your killer blog post title ideas the next step is to get writing! Either hand the titles created by our title generator to your writing team or, even easier, simply order our Blog Writing service. It’s super simple, just give us the proposed title and a couple of other details and we’ll handle it for you/your client.