The #1 Blogger Outreach (Guest Posting) Service.

Natural, relevant, in-content links

Genuine manual outreach

100% money-back guarantee

Rated 4.8 on based on 1353 reviews

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Simple pricing


0-1000 visits/month

  • 100% Genuine Outreach

  • moz

    Moz DA10+ Guaranteed

  • ahrefs

    Ahrefs DR10 Average*

    *Ahrefs DR is an indicative average based on historic data, but is not guaranteed.

  • Includes 500 Word Blog

  • 1 Anchor Text / Target URL

  • Track Within Dashboard

  • Editorial In-Content Link

  • ahrefs

    No Duplicate Domains

    *We use Ahrefs’ API and order history to ensure no duplicate domains are used.

  • Example White Label Report



Per placement

USD is approx conversion

Order Now

From 14 Days (10th Aug)

More features

  • Upgrade Content Length

  • Image Rich Content


0-5000 visits/month

  • 100% Genuine Outreach

  • moz

    Moz DA20+ Guaranteed

  • ahrefs

    Ahrefs DR15 Average*

    *Ahrefs DR is an indicative average based on historic data, but is not guaranteed.

  • Includes 500 Word Blog

  • 1 Anchor Text / Target URL

  • Track Within Dashboard

  • Editorial In-Content Link

  • ahrefs

    No Duplicate Domains

    *We use Ahrefs’ API and order history to ensure no duplicate domains are used.

  • Example White Label Report



Per placement

USD is approx conversion

Order Now

From 14 Days (10th Aug)

More features

  • Upgrade Content Length

  • Image Rich Content



100-10,000 visits/month

  • 100% Genuine Outreach

  • moz

    Moz DA30+ Guaranteed

  • ahrefs

    Ahrefs DR20 Average*

    *Ahrefs DR is an indicative average based on historic data, but is not guaranteed.

  • Includes 500 Word Blog

  • 1 Anchor Text / Target URL

  • ahrefs

    100-10k visits pm

  • Track Within Dashboard

  • Editorial In-Content Link

  • ahrefs

    No Duplicate Domains

    *We use Ahrefs’ API and order history to ensure no duplicate domains are used.

  • Example White Label Report



Per placement

USD is approx conversion

Order Now

From 14 Days (10th Aug)

More features

  • Upgrade Content Length

  • Image Rich Content


500-20,000 visits/month

  • 100% Genuine Outreach

  • moz

    Moz DA40+ Guaranteed

  • ahrefs

    Ahrefs DR25 Average*

    *Ahrefs DR is an indicative average based on historic data, but is not guaranteed.

  • Includes 500 Word Blog

  • 1 Anchor Text / Target URL

  • ahrefs

    500-20k visits pm

  • Track Within Dashboard

  • Editorial In-Content Link

  • ahrefs

    No Duplicate Domains

    *We use Ahrefs’ API and order history to ensure no duplicate domains are used.

  • Example White Label Report



Per placement

USD is approx conversion

Order Now

From 14 Days (10th Aug)

More features

  • Upgrade Content Length

  • Image Rich Content


1000-30,000 visits/month

  • 100% Genuine Outreach

  • moz

    Moz DA50+ Guaranteed

  • ahrefs

    Ahrefs DR30 Average*

    *Ahrefs DR is an indicative average based on historic data, but is not guaranteed.

  • Includes 500 Word Blog

  • 1 Anchor Text / Target URL

  • ahrefs

    1k-30k visits pm

  • Track Within Dashboard

  • Editorial In-Content Link

  • ahrefs

    No Duplicate Domains

    *We use Ahrefs’ API and order history to ensure no duplicate domains are used.

  • Example White Label Report



Per placement

USD is approx conversion

Order Now

From 14 Days (10th Aug)

More features

  • Upgrade Content Length

  • Image Rich Content

Bulk Buyer? Subscribe to your monthly spend and get 10% off.

How Blogger Outreach Works


The Outreach Stage

You’ll provide the anchor text, the target URLs and decide on the content length for your client’s placements. Our outreach team will reach out to bloggers and evaluate suitable opportunities available to us.


The Content Stage

We have a remarkable copywriting team, and it’s their job to craft the perfect blog post that relates both to the blog owner’s audience and includes a natural in-content editorial style link mention to your client. Unlike guest posting, the blog will come directly from the blog owner.


View Your Placements

You’ll get to see every blogger outreach link we secure live from your dashboard. We’ll show you a snapshot of the full Domain Authority metrics as it was placed, and you can export an unbranded CSV for white labeling.

Examples and Case Studies

Blogger Outreach Benefits

Genuine Outreach

We secure placements on sites we’ve genuinely outreached to.

In-Content Links

Links exist editorially within the flow of the content, not author boxes.

Better Than Guest Posts

All blog posts come directly from blog owners, not guest profiles.

No Duplicate Links

We keep order histories to never duplicate placements per domain.

Completely risk free

Money Back Guarantee

We believe in our service so much that we’re prepared to make your first order completely risk-free.
Place an order for up to 10 placements, and if you’re not totally satisfied, we’ll give you all of your money back and still remove the mentions. No questions asked, no hard feelings.

Joe Davies

We are rated 4.8 on based on 1353 reviews

Questions? Check Out Our FAQs

What is a Blogger Outreach Service?

Blogger Outreach Services, sometimes called influencer marketing or guest posting, are designed to get you links and mentions to your website from other relevant bloggers within your sector. A popular link building strategy, Blogger Outreach consists of reaching out to blog owners with the offer of writing free content, or collaborating with them, to produce content that is relevant to their target audience whilst relating to your business, product or service. Within the content, you then include a non-promotional backlink to your site.

Our specialist outreach team secures all our mentions as editorial links from within the flow of an impartial, non-promotional blog post placement. Search Engines then use these mentions/links as signals of authority, which, in turn, can help a website to rank higher within search results.

Is Blogger Outreach similar to a Guest Post Service?

The methodology of a blogger outreach service is very similar to a guest post or guest blogging service as it is sometimes known. The final link mention within a blogger outreach placement is considered to look far more natural. The reason for this is that the idea of guest posting is to contribute to a blog as a ‘guest author’ which means the link mention will probably reside within an author bio. With blogger outreach, however, we’ll reach out to relevant blogs and collaborate on a content piece which includes only editorial link mentions. This means there are no author boxes as the content will be written in collaboration with the blog owner and published as their own piece. Search engines like Google will use this link placement as a signal for authority which in turn helps your client’s websites rank better.

Can I choose the Domain Authority of the blogs?

You have the freedom to choose the DA (Domain Authority) metrics you require for each placement. Domain Authority is updated daily so our system will show you the DA metrics at the time of placement. We cannot refund or replace blogs that reduce or rise in DA after the first day of the secured placement.

What will happen to my link history if I switch to your Blogger Outreach service?

If you’re thinking of switching to us for your blogger outreach campaigns, there’s no need to worry about link history. Powered by the Ahrefs API, our dashboard cross-references live Ahrefs link data to ensure that we never duplicate link placements.

Who writes the content?

We have our own exceptionally talented in house writers who will come up with original, magazine quality content designed to educate the website owner’s target audience whilst incorporating your client’s link naturally. Unlike guest blogging services, the content will appear to be written by the blog owner, for a more natural result.

What will the content be about?

We write content that is designed to educate the blog owner’s audience and relate to your client’s link at the same time. The content will be completely non-promotional (i.e. not about your client directly) and will be impartial to boost audience engagement. This will help us secure content placements on good mid-tier quality blogs and will also ensure your link is as naturally crafted as possible.

Can I place one large order with multiple client domains?

Yes. Our Blogger Outreach Services are set up so that you can choose any quantity during the order process and even mix your Domain Authority requirements and word counts. You then simply enter your anchor text and target URLs for each line.

Can we approve content or sites before you place the posts?

You will not be able to pre-approve blog post placements however you can manage the live progress and see placements as we secure them from within your dashboard. The content is non-promotional and written in a ghost blogging style. It would therefore be unnecessary to pre-approve it (unlike guest posting services). Your client’s link will be incorporated editorially as if a blogger just naturally mentioned them.

What countries do you secure placements in?

We predominantly offer blogger outreach campaigns that secure placements on UK and US blogs. As our digital marketing agency client base increases, however, we have started to secure more placements in Australia, too. All blogs will be in the English language only, and placements are secured on various TLDs like .com,, .net, .org.

Where are the links placed?

As a blogger outreach agency, we get you real, editorial, in-content links from relevant bloggers. That’s inbound links and ‘mentions’ that exist naturally within the flow of the blog post, along with a couple of other useful non-competing links to further solidify the natural aspect of the content. We do not include links within author boxes.

How long do your Blogger Outreach placements last?

Blogger Outreach placements will usually last indefinitely; however, we do guarantee placements for at least a year. The majority will be around for years and years, and nearly all will remain at least while the blog owner runs their blog. It’s inevitable that over time, you would experience some loss, which is just the nature of link building as bloggers may choose not to run their site anymore or even change focus.

Can I run a Blogger Outreach campaign alongside other link building strategies?

Sure! In fact, to increase your chances of improving your search engine rankings, we highly recommend mixing up your link building. It’s good practice to vary your link building methods and types in addition to securing a mix of follow and no follow links.

What is the difference between Blogger Outreach and Niche Edits?

Our Blogger Outreach Service secures links within brand-new content, whereas Niche Edits is more like a link insertion. The Niche Edits process includes reaching out to a blogger and asking them to insert a text addition into an old article, which will contain your link.

What if you can't find any relevant websites?

If for any reason there’s some kind of problem with your niche we will let you know upon reviewing your order and provide a full refund. We haven’t yet been unable to fulfil an order and this will only be the case in real acute sectors, where link building can be slightly more difficult.

Do you take orders for adult, gambling or pharmaceuticals?

Maybe, but with past experience, we know these are tough niches to build real link building relationships. You should contact us and we’ll talk more about a possible bespoke blogger outreach campaign and pricing…

Can I resell your Blogger Outreach Services?

As an outsourced link building agency, our Blogger Outreach Service is designed to be easy to order and is built to be resold. With a white label, CSV report included, your clients will never know that FATJOE was involved in their blogger outreach campaign.

Can I Include Regional Identifiers In My Anchor Texts?

As a general rule, we will need to remove regional identifiers from anchor texts. The only cases where we would keep them are for travel clients or where the regional identifier is part of the business name.

If you are unsure if the regional identifier would be removed from the anchor texts in an order, please contact us, and our Support team can advise you further.

Ready to place your Blogger Outreach order?


Blogger Outreach




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