The #1 Niche Edits Service.

Completely manual, relevant outreach

From aged content, already ranked and indexed in Google

100% money-back guarantee

Rated 4.8 on based on 1353 reviews

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Simple Pricing


0-1000 visits/month

  • 100% Genuine Outreach

  • moz

    Moz DA10+ Guaranteed

  • ahrefs

    Ahrefs DR10 Average*

    *Ahrefs DR is an indicative average based on historic data, but is not guaranteed.

  • 1 Anchor Text / Target URL

  • Editorial In-Content Link

  • ahrefs

    No Duplicate Domains

    *We use Ahrefs’ API and order history to ensure no duplicate domains are used.

  • Example White Label Report



Per placement

USD is approx conversion

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From 14 Days (10th Aug)

More features

  • Track Within Dashboard


0-5000 visits/month

  • 100% Genuine Outreach

  • moz

    Moz DA20+ Guaranteed

  • ahrefs

    Ahrefs DR15 Average*

    *Ahrefs DR is an indicative average based on historic data, but is not guaranteed.

  • 1 Anchor Text / Target URL

  • Editorial In-Content Link

  • ahrefs

    No Duplicate Domains

    *We use Ahrefs’ API and order history to ensure no duplicate domains are used.

  • Example White Label Report



Per placement

USD is approx conversion

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From 14 Days (10th Aug)

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  • Track Within Dashboard



100-10,000 visits/month

  • 100% Genuine Outreach

  • moz

    Moz DA30+ Guaranteed

  • ahrefs

    Ahrefs DR20 Average*

    *Ahrefs DR is an indicative average based on historic data, but is not guaranteed.

  • 1 Anchor Text / Target URL

  • Editorial In-Content Link

  • ahrefs

    100-10k Visits P/M

  • ahrefs

    No Duplicate Domains

    *We use Ahrefs’ API and order history to ensure no duplicate domains are used.

  • Example White Label Report



Per placement

USD is approx conversion

Order Now

From 14 Days (10th Aug)

More features

  • Track Within Dashboard


500-20,000 visits/month

  • 100% Genuine Outreach

  • moz

    Moz DA40+ Guaranteed

  • ahrefs

    Ahrefs DR25 Average*

    *Ahrefs DR is an indicative average based on historic data, but is not guaranteed.

  • 1 Anchor Text / Target URL

  • Editorial In-Content Link

  • ahrefs

    500-20k Visits P/M

  • ahrefs

    No Duplicate Domains

    *We use Ahrefs’ API and order history to ensure no duplicate domains are used.

  • Example White Label Report



Per placement

USD is approx conversion

Order Now

From 14 Days (10th Aug)

More features

  • Track Within Dashboard


500-20,000 visits/month

  • 100% Genuine Outreach

  • moz

    Moz DA50+ Guaranteed

  • ahrefs

    Ahrefs DR30 Average*

    *Ahrefs DR is an indicative average based on historic data, but is not guaranteed.

  • 1 Anchor Text / Target URL

  • Editorial In-Content Link

  • ahrefs

    1k-30k Visits P/M

  • ahrefs

    No Duplicate Domains

    *We use Ahrefs’ API and order history to ensure no duplicate domains are used.

  • Example White Label Report



Per placement

USD is approx conversion

Order Now

From 14 Days (10th Aug)

More features

  • Track Within Dashboard

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How Niche Edits Work


The Outreach Stage

You’ll provide the anchor text and the target URLs. Our outreach team will then scour the web for blog posts, evaluating suitable opportunities and contacting the website owners to negotiate adding value to their posts.


The Content Stage

We have a remarkable copywriting team and it’ll be their job to enhance these posts by crafting some additional content to add value to the blog post and incorporate your link naturally within the flow of that content.


View Your Placements

You’ll get to see every single niche edit placement as we secure it, live from within your dashboard. We’ll show you a snapshot of the full Domain Authority metrics as it was placed and you can export an unbranded CSV for white labelling.

Examples and Case Studies

The Benefits of Niche Edits

Genuine Outreach

We secure niche edits on sites we’ve genuinely outreached to.

In-Content Links

Links are incorporated editorially within the flow of the value added content.

Magazine Quality

100% unique and high-quality content from our own copywriters.

No Duplicate Links

We’ve hooked up with Ahrefs API to avoid duplicate link placements.

Completely risk free

Money Back Guarantee

We pride ourselves on being the most scalable and cost-effective niche edits service, which is why agencies switch to us every day. In fact, we believe in our service that much that we’re prepared to make your first order completely risk free. Place an order for up to 10 niche edits and if you’re not totally satisfied, we’ll give you all of your money back and still remove the mentions. No questions asked, no hard feelings.

Joe Davies

We are rated 4.8 on based on 1353 reviews

Questions? Check Out Our FAQs

What are Niche Edits?

Niche Edits, also known as curated links or contextual links, are links and mentions to your website from existing blog posts published on the web. We secure these mentions as editorial links within the flow of additional content we create to add value to the existing blog post.

Search engines use these link mentions as signals of authority, which can help a website rank higher within search results. In comparison to a guest posting service such as Blogger Outreach where you build links from completely fresh content, using a niche edits service enables you to reap the benefits of being featured on an existing content that has already built authority over time.

Are Niche Edits similar to Broken Link Building?

The methodology of our niche edits is very similar to the process you follow for broken link building. Essentially the final outcome is very much the same in that you’ll be getting a link mention in an aged piece of content.

Are Niche Edits better than a Broken Link Building Service?

The process is very similar to a broken link building service, as the final outcome of a link mention looks identical.

The key difference with niche edit backlinks is that we are searching for relevant blog posts, which means that the link mention we can incorporate usually fits quite naturally with very little content to add.

Broken link building on the other hand is the process of finding web pages that are no longer live, re-creating the resource that was similar and ideally better than that original, and then reaching out to websites that used to link to the old resource to link to your new version.

The problem with a broken link building service is that the relevancy of the link to the content can suffer because the opportunities are fewer. It can also be very time-consuming and resource-heavy.

Can I choose the Domain Authority of the blogs?

You have the freedom to choose the DA (Domain Authority) metrics you require for each placement. DA is updated daily so our system will show you the DA metrics at the time of placement. We cannot refund or replace blogs that reduce in DA afterwards just the same as we won’t charge you more if the DA rises within a few days.

Who writes the additional content for the blogs?

We have our own exceptionally talented, vetted, and fully rated writing team who will carefully craft and add value to the existing blog post to ensure your link appears natural and the blog owner loves it.

How relevant will the content be?

We’ll match the relevancy of your link mention to the most suitable opportunities our outreach team finds within your order parameters.

Popular subjects are easier to find relevant content for, however, you’ll have our assurance that the link we secure will be within the flow of carefully crafted relevant content our copywriting team produces.

Can I place one large order with multiple client domains?

Yes. You can choose any quantity during the order process and even mix your Domain Authority requirements and word counts. You then simply enter your anchor text and target URLs for each line.

Can we approve content or sites before you place the links?

You will not be able to pre-approve niche edit placements, however, you can manage the live progress and see placements as we secure them from within your dashboard. The added content we create will be non-promotional but will have some relevance to your link mention. We copy the way the blogger would incorporate your link editorially as if they were not asked to and so this mimics receiving a natural link, one which you would not normally control.

What countries do you secure placements in?

We predominantly secure placements on UK and US blogs however, as our digital marketing agency client base increases we have started to secure more placements in Australia too. All blogs will be in the English language only and placements are secured on various TLDs like .com,, .net, .org.

Where are the links placed?

Your link placement will exist naturally within the flow of existing articles. Even though your link was added afterwards by us, the content and your niche edits links will all be crafted to appear natural as if they had been there forever.

How long will these placements last?

Placements will usually last indefinitely, however, we do guarantee placements for at least a year. The majority will be around for years and years and nearly all will remain at least while the blog owner runs their blog. It’s inevitable that over time you would experience some loss which is just the nature of link building as bloggers may choose to not run their site anymore or even change focus.

What if you can't find any relevant websites?

If for any reason there’s some kind of problem with your niche we will let you know upon reviewing your order and provide a full refund. We haven’t yet been unable to fulfill an order and this will only be the case in real acute sectors, where link building can be slightly more difficult.

Do you take orders for adult, gambling or pharmaceuticals?

Maybe, but with past experience, we know these are tough niches to build real link building relationships. You should contact us and we’ll talk more about a possible bespoke niche edit plan and pricing.

Ready to place your Niche Edits order?


Niche edits




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