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How to Inspire Creativity in SEO: From Routine to Remarkable

Daniel Trick
Daniel Trick

Head of Content

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Are you using the same SEO tactics for every client?

Standard methods can get the job done. But they’re also what everyone else is using too.

A little creativity can set you apart.

Instead of relying on templates and checklists, focus on crafting unique SEO strategies tailored to your client’s goals. This can help you deliver better results and highlight your agency’s expertise.

In this guide, we’ll explore why creativity is essential in SEO and how you can start incorporating it into your work.

We’ve also included a few examples of creative SEO campaigns to inspire you.

We’ll cover:

  • The problem with cookie-cutter SEO
  • Techniques for creativity in SEO
  • Examples of creative SEO strategies

The Problem with Cookie-Cutter SEO

Many agencies stick to cookie-cutter search engine optimization (SEO) strategies. They use the same keyword research methods, generic link building, and cut-and-paste content briefs.

Here’s why that can be an issue:

Lack of Customization

Every client is different. They have their own goals, audience, and market.

Using the same strategy for everyone ignores what makes your clients unique.

You’ll struggle to highlight your client’s unique value proposition. And your campaigns are less likely to resonate with audiences.

That’s why clients value creativity. In a recent survey, creativity was ranked as the top quality clients look for in an agency:

Agency attributes most desired by clients graph

Risk of Complacency

Sticking to the same SOPs and checklists can lead to complacency.

You only need to look at the impact of recent Google algorithm updates to see how quickly SEO can evolve. New trends and technologies are always emerging.

If you rely on standardized strategies, you risk falling behind and missing out on opportunities.

Mediocre Results

Generic strategies usually result in mediocre outcomes.

Putting out a couple of 500-word blog posts and building a few links each month isn’t going to cut it. It leads to uninspiring results and disappointed clients.

This is reflected in the SEO industry’s Net Promoter Score. Some agencies deliver outstanding results, but just as many fall short.

SEO industry NPS graph

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Clients expect more than small improvements. They want a creative SEO strategy that will make an impact and deliver real value.

Hard to Stand Out

If your agency uses the same strategies as everyone else, it’s hard to stand out.

That goes for your client’s visibility in the search engine results pages and your value proposition as an agency.

Clients are looking for agencies that bring fresh ideas and creative solutions. Relying on cookie-cutter approaches can limit your agency’s growth.

Techniques for Creative SEO

Creativity in SEO doesn’t just happen – it’s intentional. Here’s how to do It:

Deep Client Research

The best creative ideas come from a solid foundation of knowledge.

You need to know your client’s goals, what makes them unique, and their target audience.

What differentiates them from their competitors?

The more you know what sets them apart, the more creative you can be in highlighting those strengths.

Who is your client is trying to reach? What are their pain points?

You can create content that speaks directly to them by digging into their needs and behaviors.

Creative SEO Content

Let’s get the basics out of the way.

Always write for people first.

In a recent survey, 79% of SEOs agreed that writing for people should be the priority when creating content:

Priorities when creating content graph

You also need to look for opportunities to create more value with your content.

Don’t limit yourself to the same old blog post formula. Think about the best ways to connect with your audience and meet the search intent.

That could involve experimenting with new content formats. For example, you could mix up your strategy with interactive visual content, infographics, or videos.

Check the SERP to see what’s performing well in search engine rankings, and think about how you can break into those top positions.

And don’t be afraid to experiment with distribution. Try publishing on different platforms to see what gets the best results.

For example, if your client struggles to compete with more authoritative sites, you might want to consider a parasite SEO approach. It can be an effective way to rank for more competitive keywords.

Taking creative risks and presenting content in unique ways can help your content stand out.

Creative Link Building Strategies

Link building is essential for SEO.

But sticking to standard guest posts and citations can only get you so far. You need to think outside the box and be more creative with your link building.

Digital PR can be super helpful here.

You could create a data-driven industry study, use newsjacking to jump on a trending topic, or contribute unique insights to a journalist’s story.

These are all effective ways to gain media coverage from high-authority publications. You get high-value links and boost your client’s brand visibility.

Data-Driven Strategies

Data-driven creativity is all about letting data guide your creative efforts. This helps you make smarter decisions.

In a recent survey, CMOs ranked market research and analytics as the top capabilities for supporting marketing strategy:

Graph of most vital capabilities supporting SEO

For example, you can use Google Analytics and Search Console to discover what’s working and what needs improvement.

Look at which pages are performing well and where users are dropping off. These insights can help you improve your strategy.

You can also dig into your competitors’ data. Analyze their content strategies, backlink profiles, and keyword rankings. See what’s working for them and identify gaps and opportunities.

Collaborative Brainstorming

Collaborative brainstorming is all about bringing together different perspectives to spark fresh ideas. Involving team members from different departments can help you develop more creative SEO strategies.

For example, the quick feedback you get from PPC campaigns can show you which keywords resonate best with our client’s audience. You can use those insights to inspire new content for your SEO strategy.

This is one of the most common types of cross-functional SEO. In a recent survey, 86.5% of search marketers said they use PPC data to guide their SEO efforts:

Graph of use of PPC to guide SEO

To make the most of your brainstorming sessions, set clear goals and create an environment where everyone feels encouraged to share their ideas.

This can help you tap into your team’s knowledge and creativity to deliver more impactful strategies.

Examples of Creative SEO Strategies

One of the best ways to understand creativity in SEO is to look at real-world examples. The following examples show how thinking outside the box can lead to impressive results for your clients.

Nerdwallet: Creating Tools to Earn Backlinks

Nerdwallet is an excellent example of how creating useful tools can be a powerful SEO strategy.

They have a ton of interactive tools and worksheets to help their audience manage their finances better.

For example, their cost-of-living calculator is a standout tool. It allows users to compare the cost of living in different cities, helping them make informed decisions about moving or budgeting.

Screenshot of cost of living calculator

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The tool has attracted backlinks from over 1,200 referring domains, including authoritative sites like Wikipedia and Yale.

This strategy works well because it meets a common need for a wide audience. Users can easily input their current city, the city they’re considering, and their income to get personalized insights.

Interactive tools can be a great way to engage audiences and attract high-quality backlinks.

Bankrate: Emphasizing E-E-A-T

Expertise, Experience, Authority, and Trust (E-E-A-T) have become increasingly important for ranking well in search results. Search engines use these factors to evaluate the quality of content.

They are absolutely essential for websites in YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) niches like finance and health.

Bankrate is a great example of a website that has leaned into E-E-A-T to improve SEO.

Their content is filled with trust signals. Each article contains a detailed author profile highlighting the author’s experience, expertise, and background.

Bankrate author credentials example

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Bankrate builds trust with its audience by showcasing E-E-A-T credentials. It helps them to rank well and likely has a significant impact on conversions.

Removery: Winning SERP Features

Removery is a laser tattoo removal company that has made SERP features a key part of its SEO strategy.

They target featured snippets, image packs, lists, and other SERP features to boost visibility and drive traffic.

For example, Removery created a pillar page targeting the keyword ‘tattoo pain chart.’ The content answers common questions about the topic.

It also contains lots of images to illustrate the most painful spots for getting a tattoo.

Most painful tattoo spot SERP results

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This helps the page rank for SERP features and claim rich snippets in search results.

Getting creative with your content and making data-driven decisions can help you claim more real estate in search engine result pages.

Take Your SEO to the Next Level with Creativity

It’s easy to get complacent when you’re working on multiple SEO projects. You can get caught up with endless checklists and SOPs.

But moving away from cookie-cutter strategies sets your agency apart.

A creative approach can help you achieve better results and stand out from other SEO professionals.

Break free from the norm and let your creativity lead the way.

Daniel Trick
Daniel Trick

Head of Content

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