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Reddit SEO Hacks: Fast SERP Growth Using The Internet’s Front Page

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Daniel Trick
Daniel Trick

Head of Content

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Reddit is taking over search results.

In the last year, it’s been popping up all over organic search for almost every niche you can think of.

If you’re not using Reddit in your SEO strategy, you’re missing a big opportunity to drive traffic and increase visibility for your clients.

In this guide, we’ll explain why Reddit should be an important tool in your SEO toolkit. You’ll also learn practical ways to use Reddit SEO to get to the top of the SERPs.

This isn’t just how to perform well in Reddit, this is how to use Reddit for SEO.

We’ll cover:

  • What Reddit SEO is
  • The rise of Reddit in search results
  • Why Reddit is dominating organic search
  • Using Reddit for “second-hand” search traffic
  • Step-by-step guide to Reddit SEO

What Is Reddit SEO?

Reddit SEO is the practice of optimizing your content on Reddit to get more visibility on the platform and in search engines.

A strong Reddit SEO strategy can help you tap into a much larger audience than just Reddit users. Reddit threads rank really well in Google search results.

(Like, really well. Endless SEO memes well.)

It’s a way to get your content in front of more people inside and outside the platform.

The Rise of Reddit in Search Results

Reddit’s visibility in search results has exploded over the past year. Google has been ranking Reddit content high in search results for a huge range of queries.

This has led to a massive surge in organic traffic and keyword rankings.

Reddit’s organic traffic now tops over 1 billion visits per month – a 297% increase over the last year.

Reddit search visibility graph.

The social media platform ranks for over 369 million organic keywords, with a significant chunk of those capturing the top 3 spots on Google.

So, why is Reddit suddenly everywhere in search results?

Why Is Google Favoring Reddit in Search Results?

There are a few key reasons why Reddit seems to be taking over Google search results:

Reddit’s Partnership with Google

Earlier this year, Reddit signed a $60 million deal with Google. The agreement allows Google to train its AI models using Reddit’s vast content library.

So, does that mean Google is giving Reddit a ranking boost now that they’re partners?

Well, according to Google, the answer is no. They’ve been pretty clear that this partnership “absolutely did not include boosting Reddit’s content in rankings.”

Still, Reddit’s sudden rise in search results right after the deal has definitely raised eyebrows in the SEO world…

But there’s a lot more going on here than just a secret handshake between Google and Reddit. Understanding these other factors can help you leverage Reddit in your SEO campaigns.

Human-Centric Content Wins

Here’s the thing:

A lot of people don’t trust overly polished, salesy content.

They want genuine advice from real people. And that’s exactly what Reddit promises to deliver.

According to Reddit, 82% of Gen Zers trust the platform when it comes to discovering new products and brands:

Trust in Reddit graph.

User-generated content is a big reason why Reddit often outranks SEO-optimized pages in Google search results. The authentic conversations on Reddit make the content more relatable and trustworthy in the eyes of users and, therefore, Google.

Google’s Search Liaison even confirmed that Reddit content shows up more because it’s exactly what users are searching for.

This shift ties in with Google’s Helpful Content update, which prioritizes authentic, user-focused content over keyword-stuffed, generic pages.

Since the update became part of Google’s core ranking system in March 2024, Reddit has been thriving. The platform delivers exactly the kind of human-centric content Google rewards.

Search Intent Alignment

Another big reason Reddit is crushing it in search results? It nails search intent.

When people search for something, they’re usually looking for real answers or recommendations.

Reddit delivers. You get detailed, crowd-sourced insights from real users.

Google’s algorithm favors content that matches what users are actually searching for.

That’s why Reddit often ranks higher. It offers comprehensive answers from multiple perspectives.

For example, if someone searches “What type of keyboard is best for gaming?” a Reddit thread will often dive way deeper than your typical affiliate marketing blog post.

Keyboard for gaming SERP results

Instead of just one opinion, you get a discussion with viewpoints from tons of users. That’s what searchers want.

So Google keeps rewarding Reddit content in the SERPs.

Using Reddit to Drive “Second-Hand” Search Traffic

You’ve probably heard of parasite SEO. It’s an SEO strategy that involves getting featured on high-authority sites instead of trying to outrank them.

Reddit takes parasite SEO to a whole new level.

Since Reddit threads rank so well in Google, you can use them to capture “second-hand” search traffic.

Instead of always trying to rank your own content, a smarter move might be getting mentioned in a Reddit thread that’s already ranking – or even having your own Reddit post show up in search results.

This gives you multiple chances to dominate the SERPs.

You can rank content on your website, and again through Reddit.

For example, say you have a client selling touring motorcycles. Instead of trying to outdo all the “best touring motorcycles” articles, focus on getting mentioned in a Reddit thread that’s already sitting on page one of Google.

Best touring motorcycle SERP results

By joining those conversations, you can tap into second-hand traffic without needing to rank a page yourself.

It’s a simple, low-effort way to piggyback off Reddit’s authority and the trust users already have in those discussions.

Step-by-Step Guide to Reddit SEO

Here’s how you can get started with Reddit SEO and start boosting your clients’ visibility in the SERPs by using Reddit for SEO:

Research Relevant Subreddits

The first step is to find subreddits that are relevant to your client’s brand or product.

Start by using Reddit’s search bar to explore communities that match your client’s niche. For example, if you’re working with a fitness brand, search for terms like “fitness,” “workout,” or “nutrition.”

Screenshot of Reddit fitness results

Don’t just go after the massive subreddits like r/Fitness or r/Technology.

These big communities have large audiences, but they also come with fierce competition and strict moderation.

Instead, look for smaller, niche subreddits. These might have fewer subscribers, but they often get higher engagement.

A smaller subreddit with active, relevant discussions can be more valuable than a larger, less engaged one.

Pay attention to the topics people are posting about.

Are people asking questions your client can answer?

Are they looking for recommendations your client’s product can fulfill?

This will help you understand what matters to the community and how your client’s product or service can fit into those discussions.

Conduct Keyword Research

The next step is determining which keywords drive Reddit results in Google.

Use SEO tools like Ahrefs or Semrush to identify relevant keywords where Reddit threads rank in the top 10 Google results.

Ahrefs SERP analysis highlighting Reddit result.

Focus on high search volume terms when you’re conducting your keyword research. Don’t worry too much about keyword difficulty.

You’re leveraging Reddit’s authority, and Reddit is already showing up in the SERPs.

Best touring motorcycle keyword overview

You can also search Google directly.

People often add “Reddit” to their queries when they want direct answers. Conduct a Google search for your niche + “Reddit” to see which threads are already ranking.

Email marketing + Reddit example search

This approach helps you target terms where Reddit has proven search visibility.

– A lot of search marketers and SEOs might be memeing on the prevalence of Reddit in search results, but real users are still adding + Reddit to their searches. It’s always important to break out of the bubble! –

Create Timely, Valuable Content

The main rule for Reddit content is simple: don’t be spammy. Reddit users are quick to spot blatant self-promotion.

You need to focus on creating genuinely helpful and relevant content that adds value.

Answer questions, solve problems, and contribute to the conversation.

For example, Carlos Ghosn, the former CEO of Renault and Nissan, hosted an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on Reddit, offering valuable insights directly to the community.

Renault's CEO Reddit AMA

Instead of just dropping links to your site, create content in Reddit’s native text format.

Redditors prefer reading content without leaving the platform.

You can reformat your blog post or article into a text post. Include the key points, and drop a link to the full post at the end for users who want more details.

Like traditional SEO, using the right keywords in your post titles and comments can help your content appear in Reddit and Google searches.

Title length is also important. A recent study found that the average title length for top posts on Reddit is 60-80 characters:

Reddit average title length

Crafting compelling, keyword-rich titles can significantly boost your content’s discoverability.

Share Your Content Actively

Once you’ve created valuable content, the next step is to share it.

Don’t just drop links to your blog in Reddit communities.

While it’s great to appear in ranking threads, the ultimate goal is to have your own Reddit post itself rank in Google.

Doing this allows you to tap into Reddit’s authority and grab a prime spot in search results.

Create a native Reddit post that directly answers user questions or provides insights.

You want to provide all the valuable information within the Reddit post itself to keep users engaged on the platform. This increases the chances that your post will rank on Google.

For example, instead of just saying, “Check out my blog for load time tips,” write a detailed guide directly on Reddit. Break down your content into easy-to-digest tips using the keywords you’ve targeted to help it rank.

Once your Reddit post is live, stay active in the comments section.

Reddit is all about engagement, and Google tends to favor content that shows high interaction. Respond to user questions and keep the conversation going.

This can make your content more visible and boost your credibility on the platform.

You might take a few hits, but hey – that can even be useful to get an idea of the current perception of you and your brand!

Amplify High-Engagement Posts

If one of your posts starts to gain traction, you can use Reddit Ads to reach a wider audience.

Advertising on Reddit is generally more affordable than on other platforms. A study by AdSpyder found that the average cost per click on Reddit is just $0.44 – significantly lower than other social media sites.

Reddit CPC graph

The key here is to only promote content that’s already doing well organically.

You want to invest in posts that are proven to resonate with your audience. That way, you’re spending money on something that’s already working, not taking a gamble.

Again, Redditers are quick to spot an ad and act accordingly, so the trick is to make it not look like an ad – by not using an ad in the first place.

Oh, and maybe keep those comments turned off.

Measure and Optimize

You can measure your SEO strategy and your use of Reddit for SEO in a few ways.

Start by monitoring referral traffic in Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Go to the Traffic Acquisition report and check the “Session source/medium” column to see how much traffic Reddit is driving to your site.

This helps you understand how well your Reddit efforts are converting into website visitors.

GA4 Session source medium screenshot

You can also track the performance of your native Reddit posts on the platform itself.

Use Reddit’s built-in stats to measure upvotes, downvotes, comments, and shares.

A high level of engagement means your content is connecting with the community. That can help it rank higher in Reddit and Google search results.

It’s also important to track whether your Reddit posts are ranking in the SERPs. Tools like Ahrefs or Semrush can help you monitor your targeted keywords and see if your Reddit posts are appearing in Google’s top results.

Adjust your strategy based on the data.

If specific subreddits or content types are driving more traffic or Google rankings, focus more on those areas. This will help you refine your strategy and achieve better results.

Best Practices for Reddit SEO

The key to increased visibility on Reddit is genuine, organic engagement. The more your content resonates with the community, the higher it will rank.

Here are some best practices to help you build that organic engagement:

Be Transparent

Transparency is vital to building trust.

Always be upfront about your brand or product affiliations when posting. Don’t try to hide it.

Introduce yourself and be clear about your connection.

Here’s an example from Marc Randolph, co-founder of Netflix:

Netflix Co Founder Reddit AMA

Being honest from the start helps you avoid any backlash. It will also help you generate more positive, authentic interactions.

Provide Real Value

Focus on genuinely helping people. Answer questions, share advice, and provide useful resources.

The goal is to contribute without expecting anything in return. When you consistently offer valuable insights, you naturally position yourself as a credible member of the community.

If someone asks for SEO advice, share actionable tips or a detailed guide tailored to their specific needs.

Engage Consistently

Consistent participation helps you build relationships within the subreddit.

By actively engaging, you become a familiar voice. This can increase the likelihood of users interacting with your content.

Participate in ongoing discussions, leave thoughtful comments, and upvote content you find valuable. Contributing regularly will help you position yourself as an authentic Redditor.

Don’t Spam

Avoid posting the same content across multiple subreddits. This can result in your posts becoming invisible through shadowbanning.

Instead, customize your message for each subreddit and make sure it adds real value to the conversation. Make sure your posts are timely and relevant content and seen as genuine contributions.

Don’t Oversell

Blatant self-promotion is a red flag on Reddit.

Users are quick to downvote or call out anyone pushing their product too aggressively.

Only mention your product or service if it directly solves a problem being discussed.

For example, if someone’s looking for a tool recommendation that aligns with your product, mention it briefly. But make sure you focus on providing valuable, unbiased advice first.

Don’t Ignore Feedback

Reddit can be brutal.

While you should absolutely ignore the trolls, you can’t afford to ignore genuine feedback.

Engage with real, constructive criticism. When someone points out a valid issue with your product or approach, thank them and show you’re listening.

Handling feedback well can strengthen your reputation in the community and demonstrate your commitment to improving.

Building Brand-Owned Subreddits

Creating a brand-owned subreddit can be a smart move if your client is well-established.

It gives them a dedicated space to connect with their audience, share updates, and build a community. It also allows you to have more control over the conversations and content.

Slack’s subreddit is a great example:

Slack subreddit screenshot

They’ve built a space where users can ask questions, share projects, and connect directly with the Slack team.

It functions as a support hub and a community hangout.

Before launching your own subreddit, think about what you want it to focus on. Will it be a support center, a place for updates, or a space for discussions?

Having a clear purpose will help shape the content and set expectations for the community.

Active participation is key to building the community. You’ll need to engage consistently and post regular updates.

The more involved you are, the faster your subreddit will grow.

It’s also important to set clear rules. Make it clear what types of content are encouraged and what’s off-limits. Clear guidelines help maintain a positive and productive community environment.

Will Reddit Always Be The Front Page Of The Internet?

There are some signs that Reddit’s visibility might be dropping slightly, and no doubt it will fluctuate in upcoming Google updates, but there’s no sign it’ll be going anywhere any time soon.

Users have made it clear they’re after genuine, human-written, people-first content and Reddit remains the top place for it and, therefore, somewhere you and your brand need to be.

Use Reddit SEO And Get Ready To Be Front Page News

Reddit represents a gold rush right now.

It’s the perfect opportunity to leverage their rankings for your clients.

Pair both Reddit SEO (performing well IN Reddit) and using Reddit for SEO (using Reddit to rank well outside the platform) and you’ll be on the road to SEO success.

You just need to act fast, stay smart, and, most importantly of all, be genuine, and you and your rankings can thrive with Reddit SEO.

Daniel Trick
Daniel Trick

Head of Content

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